Giraffes, art, and carousels; Oh, my!
What a great second half of conference season it has been for us! We’ve been south, we’ve been east, but mostly we’ve been having good conversations with you all about your visitors’ needs.
Most recently, we attended the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Conference and the Midwest Association of Museums Conference, and both were great time!

This was our first AZA and it took us to New Orleans. While at the conference, we made some four-legged friends and chatted with some bipedal ones, too. One of the main visitor needs that came up in every conversation was our interactive mapping feature. It confirmed our experience that no matter what type of cultural space you are, visitors want it to be easier to navigate so they can maximize their experience. We’re excited for the opportunity to work with some Zoos in the coming future. Be on the lookout for them to roll out over the next few months!

Just a few weeks after AZA we were off to Grand Rapids for The Association of Midwest Museums conference. We got back to our roots in academia and museum studies by hosting a session! We broke down the numbers in case studies featuring two clients, Glensheen and The International Museum of Surgical Science, to show how their Encurate powered mobile app increased visitor attendance. Through case studies we showed how our mobile apps can provide analytics that highlight where your visitors are spending the most time. By doing this, you get a look into how you can adapt your space to be more engaging and maneuverable for visitors. Whether this be via physical exhibition changes or creating more content for self-guided tours in your app, our analytics can show you what’s really happening in your museum.
In the spirit of collaboration to end the session, we had attendees create a Point of Interest from their own museum. We wanted to give everyone a look into the fun part of the data analytics process: how the results can be used to help you!

We finished off the trip with visits to the Grand Rapids Public Museum and Frederik Meijer Gardens (not to mention some awesome pizza). To say we were delightfully surprised is an understatement! The former was such an incredible museum, telling the story of Michiganders through an eclectic and fun collection. The latter was a nice break from being indoors on a beautiful Saturday morning, and seeing The American Horse in all its beauty didn’t hurt either.
Back home in Chicago, we’re back to helping you become your visitors' favorite museum. One of the ways we’re doing this is with our new
accessible pricing. You can start your app for as low as $100/month, still with no upfront costs! If you want to chat about what your own mobile app would look like, contact us today. We can’t wait to work with you!!