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New, Customizable Features!

We’ve developed an in-app survey feature that we think marries the fun you want your visitors to have with the information you need. Your survey can collect anything: basic demographic data, experience information, or even the likeliness of recommending you to a friend!

Who, what, when, where, why - the questions that we’re always asking about our visitors in the museum world. We all know the classic visitor studies surveys and how well, sometimes, we can have trouble getting people to participate! At Encurate this summer, we spent some time thinking about how we could help you answer these questions.

In-App Survey Popup

Curious how it works? A client of ours, The American Writers Museum, recently rolled out their survey which you can check out here. Included as part of the mobile experience, the survey is prompted to visitors when they first download the app. They can then choose to participate or not, answer the questions you chose to include, and voila! Results. Only a few minutes of their time was used, and it didn’t require any extra hands to collect! By keeping the survey short and putting it directly in the eyes of the visitor, they’re more likely to happily help out your museum.

Speaking of ways to help out your museum, did you know your app is another opportunity to build your membership? The OI at University of Chicago incorporated their membership messaging using our self-guided tour feature. As visitors are enjoying a tour through their museum, they can now easily find out about the perks of being a member and how to join. It’s also a great opportunity to highlight any other projects your museum is working on, or to spread your mission!

As the summer is coming to a close, we hope you’re thinking about these different ways that your visitors can help you without even realizing it. We want to help you be their favorite, and understanding your audience is one of the many ways to do just that!

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